Bedwetting & Chiropractic
Bed-wetting or enuresis (the involuntary passage of urine) is a poorly understood problem that continues after the child reaches five years of age. Some nocturnal bed-wetting is related to maturation, especially in boys. Commonly, bedwetting is blamed on immature sleeping patterns or small urinary bladder capacity.
One of the common causative factors involved in nocturnal enuresis is categorized as bladder innervation disorder. This is the area in which the Doctor of Chiropractic can be of help to the child. Chiropractic studies have indicated that bed-wetting has been resolved when vertebral subluxations (nerve interferences) are corrected.
What is a subluxation?
The free flow of nerve communication from the brain, through the spinal column, to all parts of the human body governs itself and all its functions. When nerves become stretched or twisted (commonly referred to as a “pinched nerve”), this vital communication system is disturbed. These neurological disturbances are called subluxations. Chiropractic science has determined that subluxations can lead to serious health consequences. Conversely, the removal of subluxations has been shown to have important health benefits.
When nerve supply or communication is disrupted, one or more parts of the body begin to fail. Health in general begins to fail and as your body weakens, sickness and disease are the result. Instead of treating the symptoms of disease, the Doctor of Chiropractic corrects the subluxations, so that normal body function may take place. Chiropractic is a very specific science. By minimizing nerve interference through chiropractic adjustments, the natural strengths of the human body are maximized increasing the body’s capacity to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery.
What is a chiropractic adjustment?
Vertebrae (the bones in your back) fit together so that the nerve supply produced in your brain may filter down your spinal cord and out over your nerves. These messages are responsible for communicating information throughout your body so that growth, repair and healing may take place. When vertebrae are out of their natural alignment, the potential for nerve interference is great.
Subluxations cause abnormal posture, which applies tension on the vertebrae, muscles, ligaments and tendons. This increased tension interferes with blood flow to internal organs. Lack of oxygen to cells, tissues, and organs causes dysfunction and disease. As Doctors of Chiropractic, we lay our hands on your back and gently line up the vertebrae into their natural position. This process may take weeks or months depending on the amount of misalignment. As the subluxations are reduced, the nerve supply more effectively communicates throughout your body and healing may take place. As your body heals, the symptoms begin to diminish.
What causes subluxations?
Throughout life, falls, injuries and stress, commonly cause subluxations. Young children fall down several times a day. Vertebrae can move out of their natural alignment from contact in sports activities. Auto accidents commonly cause postural problems in the neck, called whiplash, which can lead to serious problems with nerve interference. Subluxations may lead to problems with growth and internal function including bladder control. By having subluxations corrected throughout childhood, adolescence, and then as an adult, you will have a better opportunity to be as healthy as possible.
Chiropractic is safe and natural.
The chiropractic approach to health care is natural, in that it does not try to stimulate or inhibit normal body function. Instead, the chiropractor realizes the importance of the nervous system in relation to disease. Drs. Bachman and Lantz reported dramatic improvement in bed-wetting of traumatic origin with chiropractic adjustments.
Parents can help, too.
Before initiating corrective care, the family must understand that enuresis is a problem that is out of the child’s conscious control. The child’s problem should not be viewed as bad behavior. Scolding, restricting fluids, and waking the child, generally do not help and may actually delay resolution; therefore these practices should be discouraged. Your child should actively participate in both their chiropractic consultation and correction. Changing and washing the sheets is suggested as long as the child is not made to feel humiliated.