Chiropractic Effectiveness
Chiropractic care is not only effective but has been documented as superior in many areas of health care. It is significant to note that almost all of the following studies were performed by M.D.’s.
1. One of Chicago’s leading medical orthopedists testified about the results he had noticed between two competing hospitals in Chicago, one which was using doctors of Chiropractic and one which was not. Since he was on the staff of both hospitals he could evaluate the results of each. He found that the hospital using Chiropractic care was sending patients home 7 to 9 days sooner and that the reason was entirely due to the Chiropractic care that they were receiving. Per Freitag, MD,PhD, US Federal Court Testimony, Chicago, IL., May, 1987. Comparing JFK Hospital with Lutheran General Hospital, which does not use Chiropractic.
2. AV MED, the largest HMO in the southeastern U.S., tried an experiment with 100 of its medically unresponsive patients by sending them to a local doctor of Chiropractic. Within 3 weeks 86% of them had their ailments corrected. 12 of these cases were medically diagnosed as needing disc surgery. All 12 of these cases ere corrected and none needed surgery. Just these 12 cases saved the HMO $250,000 in surgical/hospital bills. Later re-evaluation of these cases showed that the results were permanent Herbert Davis, MD, AVMED Health Maintenance Organization, Miami, FL. 1982
3. In 1979, the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Chiropractic in New Zealand, after an 18 month study in five nations, including the U.S., concluded, “The Commission has found it established beyond any reasonable degree of doubt that chiropractors have a more thorough training in spinal mechanics and spinal manual therapy than any other health professional.” It found that Chiropractic was a scientifically based, valid, safe and very effective treatment that should be in the mainstream of health care and should be used in hospitals. Chiropractic in New Zealand-Report of the Commission of Inquiry, 1979
4. In 1971, the Oregon Workers’ Compensation Study showed that people under Chiropractic care were able to return to work in half the time as those receiving medical care. Also that chiropractic costs were less than 25% of medical costs.
5. In 1972, the California Workers’ Compensation Study comparing Chiropractic to medical care for back ailments on 1000 patients showed that Chiropractic was twice as effective and the patients lost half as many days as of work. Richard Wolf, MD, California Workers Compensation Records, 1972
6. In 1986 the Florida Workers’ Compensation Study the duration of disability was 51.3% shorter for chiropractic patients. The cost of chiropractic care was 58.8% less than medical care.
7. The recent Utah Workers’ Compensation Study followed 3062 cases. The record shows that Chiropractic care outperformed medicine by 10:1 margin in compensation costs.
Kelly Jarivs, DC. Red Philips, DC, Elliot Morris, JD MBA Workers Compensation Fund of Utah, 1991.
8. A two year study conducted by the Italian government followed 17,000 patients. The dramatic results showed that patients under chiropractic care had their hospitalization for back ailments reduced by 87.6% and work loss by 75.5% Prof.F.Splendori, Chiropractic Therapeutic Effectiveness-Social Importance. Incidence on Absence from Work and Hospitalization. Italy
9. A ten year government study in Great Britain showed that among all patients with severe and chronic pain, chiropractic patients improved 13% more than medical patients. “If all the patients were referred for chiropractic instead of hospital treatments…there might be a reduction of some 290,000 days in sickness absence during two years saving about $21,580,000 in output and $4,814,000 in social security payments.” T.W. Mead, FRCP, British Medical Research Council, 1990
10. In 1991, the RAND study from UCLA found Chiropractic care to be an “appropriate” treatment for low back disorders. Shekelle PG, Adams et el. The Appropriateness of Spinal Manipulation for Low Back Pain:Indications and Ratings by a Multidisciplinary Expert Panel. RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California
11. Kirkaldy-Willis, M.D., world renowned medical orthopedist, joined David Cassidy, D.C., PhD. to do an evaluation of the clinical results of Chiropractic care on evaluation of the clinical results of Chiropractic care on 171 chronic medically unresponsive low back sufferers for a period of 7 years. Within 3 weeks, Dr. Cassidy eliminated 87% of the ailments. It is significant to note that a reevaluation of these patients one y ear later showed that they remained pain free! David Cassidy, DC, Kirkaldy Willis, MD, University of Saskatchewan, 1985
12. A study conducted during WWII by a former AMA (American Medical Association) trustee reported to the AMA the impressive results a doctor of Chiropractic had in the Army medical ward and that his over-all results compared with the best that the department had to offer. The study was suppressed for over 40 years until the Wilk, et. al. v. AMA trial.
13. There are more controlled studies showing the effectiveness of manipulation for low back pain compared to any other type of treatment for low back pain.
14. In 1991 a Gallop Poll revealed that 90% of Chiropractic users felt their treatment was effective. A report in the Western Journal Of Medicine (March, 1989) stated that patients of Chiropractors were 3 times more satisfied with their care than patients of family practice medical doctors.
15. The Ontario government commissioned a study on Chiropractic that analyzed all available clinical studies, statistics and other pertinent data and found that there was an “overwhelming body of evidence” that Chiropractic was superior, more therapeutically effective, cost efficient, safer, more scientifically based and had a much higher level of patient satisfaction than Medical care. It cautioned the Ontario government against many of the “untested, questionable or harmful medical treatments” and urged the government to prefer Chiropractic care over Medical care for some ailments. It also recommended that Chiropractors be “gate keepers” in hospitals when admitting back ailments. Manga Report to the Ontario Ministry of Health, August, 1993.